Sep 29 – 30, 2022
ESRF, Grenoble
Europe/Paris timezone

Fees & Payment information

The registration fee amounts to 250 Euros and covers:

  • Admission
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches
  • Cocktail & Dinner
  • Transport for social events (tram tickets)
  • Facility tours

Registration is only valid once full payment of the fee has been made.

Payment of the fee is part of the electronic registration application and can be made:

Your institute will pay your fee and needs an INVOICE

CREDIT CARD - Electronic Payment
Visa, CB and MasterCard are accepted for a SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT of the fee.

Cheques are payable in Euros (drawn on a French bank) and made payable to 'ESRF'.

If your laboratory or institute is making out the cheque, clearly identify the participant(s) it covers:
Please write down the names of the participants who are covered by the payment in the 'Payment page' of the electronic registration form. The names will be automatically transferred to your 'Payment form' which should be printed out and attached to your cheque.
Send the cheque with your 'Payment form', issued by the registration application to:
ESRF - Philippa Lean
CS 40220
F-38043 GRENOBLE Cedex 9

Bank transfers should be made in Euros to the account below:

  • To: BPAURA
  • Branch: Ent Montbonnot
  • Account name: ESRF SYNCHROTRON
  • Sort Code: 16807-00101
  • IBAN Code: FR76 1680 7001 0100 1210 7666 054
  • Account number: 00 121 07 66 60 – 54
  • Swift Code: CCBPFRPPGRE
  • Address: 2 avenue du Grésivaudan - F-38700 CORENC
  • Bank Reference: ESSRI 2022 + Participant's Name

All charges incurred must be covered by the participants.
Clearly identify all participants who are covered by the Bank Transfer:
Please write down the names of the participants who are covered by the payment in the 'Payment page' of the electronic registration form. The names will be automatically transferred to your 'Payment form' which should be printed out and attached to the copy of your bank transfer.

Send a copy of the bank transfer with your 'Payment form' issued by the registration application, preferably by email scan to or by post to:
ESRF - Philippa Lean
CS 40220
F-38043 GRENOBLE Cedex 9
Bring a copy with you to the workshop, as proof of payment.