Eurizon Task 4.1 general update

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M4.1.1 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Identify common beam physics interests, define necessary software developments
M4.1.2 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Definition of the work organisation for beam dynamics studies
M4.1.3 (M32 September 2022, ESRF) Define work organisation and contributors to the tasks identified in M4.1.1
M4.1.4 (M36 Jan 2023, DESY) Beam Diagnostics: Definition of the work organization for beam diagnostics studies

D4.1.1 (M38 March 2023, ESRF) Preliminary technical report with proof of principle validation on simplified test cases

To do:

M4.1.5 (M42 Jul 2023, ESRF) Beam Diagnostics: Selection of the shaker device

D4.1.2 (M48, January 2024, DESY) Final technical report with detailed beam dynamics studies and documentation for EBS and/or PETRA IV

D4.1.3 (M48, Januray 2024 DESY) Technical report on beam diagnostics studies with detailed documentation.

FINAL Eurizon event on the 18-19 Januray 2024 in Prague

7th September 2023

Eurizon Task 4.1


SL Simone Liuzzo  YES
LH Lina Hoummi YES
SW Simon White NO
LC Lee Carver YES
NC Nicola Carmignani YES
IA Ilya Agapov YES
JK Joachim Keil NO (excused)
TH Thorsten Hellert YES (surprise)
BV Bianca Veglia YES
LM Lukas Malina YES
EM Elaf Musa YES
MB Micahel BOESE NO (not ad DESY any more)

For diag meetings:
HS Holger Schlarb  NO
GK Gero Kube   NO
SJ Szymon Jablonski  NO
SP Sven Pfeiffer   NO
SM Sajjad Mirza  NO
KS Kees Scheidt NO
BR Benoit Roche  NO
EB Elena Buratin NO
FE Friederike Ewald NO


presentations by SL

update on TbT studies:

LM in petraIII was done a study on how much vibrations will influence petraIII while installing PetraIV. improved codes to the level that in case of hardware failure the exception are caught. 2 days of measurement went very smoothly thanks to this improvement.

NC no updates

status of pySC

last meeting early July. Almost rewritten all code to some degree.
code simplified.
implementation of more realistic BPM readout (noise scales with current)
returns measurement errors together with bpm readings
statistics to trajectory and BBA.
code more robust.
BBA still not mastered. cleaning it up
improved plots
documentation making is easier

EM: is implementing LOCO in pySC
SL: some documentation
LH: started, not much more
TH: verifies data structure
BV: will look in lattice properties observation to smoothen DA and MA calculations

SL will give it a try with EBS lattice.

Still not reproducing PetraIV simulations in matlab.

LM: all trajectory correction tools. if some particles are lost is not passed to

IA: some partial results can be achieved (trajectory) rest for long term. Collecting data to input in the simulations are difficult to gather.

LM: in pySC some methods can be directly used in commissioning.

TH: also for SC all informations are observable.
LM: in P4 SC simulations some functions add errors not at the level of external functions

IA: beam test are done with Matlab for P4.

AT workshop: Greg Protmann remote!

TH received the python tutorial. Accepts to give the tutorial.

LC 2h of material. the other h is for interactions and specific questions. better 2h to fill 3h than being short in time.

Paper ICALEPCS badger progressing pySC still not existent.

Thursday 5th 11.00
  Friday 6th 16.00
 Monday 16th
Tuesday 17th

LEAPS 21 Sept 2023 meet to discuss how to discuss

Prague meeting how goes what is expected.

meet for pySC Tuesday 12th 16.00


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 AM 11:05 AM
      Eurizon Task 4.1 status of milestones and deliverables 5m

      M4.1.1 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Identify common beam physics interests, define necessary software developments
      M4.1.2 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Definition of the work organisation for beam dynamics studies
      M4.1.3 (M32 September 2022, ESRF) Define work organisation and contributors to the tasks identified in M4.1.1
      M4.1.4 (M36 Jan 2023, DESY) Beam Diagnostics: Definition of the work organization for beam diagnostics studies

      D4.1.1 (M38 March 2023, ESRF) Preliminary technical report with proof of principle validation on simplified test cases

      To do:

      M4.1.5 (M42 Jul 2023, ESRF) Beam Diagnostics: Selection of the shaker device (delayed to end of September)

      D4.1.2 (M48, January 2024, DESY) Final technical report with detailed beam dynamics studies and documentation for EBS and/or PETRA IV

      D4.1.3 (M48, Januray 2024 DESY) Technical report on beam diagnostics studies with detailed documentation.

      FINAL Eurizon event on the 18-19 Januray 2024 in Prague

    • 11:05 AM 11:15 AM
      update on cross talk simulations 10m
    • 11:15 AM 11:30 AM
      report from Badger MDT studies 15m

      mdt 27th August ESRF

      Speaker: Simone Liuzzo (ESRF)
    • 11:30 AM 11:40 AM
      update on TbT studies 10m
    • 11:40 AM 11:50 AM
      status of pySC 10m
    • 11:50 AM 11:55 AM
      AT workshop organization metters 5m

      61 participants
      (19 remote)

      dinner booked
      lunch and coffee breaks almost
      EBS tunnel visit organized and approved
      a few minor changes to the agenda

      Tutorial python/matlab will be asked at registration time

      soon emails with:
      ZOOM link,
      instructions to come on site,


    • 11:55 AM 12:00 PM
      ICALEPCS papers/talks 5m

      pySC :

    • 12:00 PM 12:01 PM
      Any other bussiness 1m