Eurizon Task 4.1 general update


31st March 2023: ammendment approved

M4.1.1 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Identify common beam physics interests, define necessary software developments
M4.1.2 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Definition of the work organisation for beam dynamics studies
M4.1.3 (M32 September 2022, ESRF) Define work organisation and contributors to the tasks identified in M4.1.1
M4.1.4 (M36 Jan 2023, DESY) Beam Diagnostics: Definition of the work organization for beam diagnostics studies

D4.1.1 (M38 March 2023, ESRF) Preliminary technical report with proof of principle validation on simplified test cases

M4.1.5 (M42 Jul 2023, ESRF) Beam Diagnostics: Selection of the shaker device

To do:

D4.1.2 (M48, January 2024, DESY) Final technical report with detailed beam dynamics studies and documentation for EBS and/or PETRA IV

D4.1.3 (M48, Januray 2024 DESY) Technical report on beam diagnostics studies with detailed documentation.


12th June 2023

Eurizon Task 4.1


SL Simone Liuzzo  YES
LH Lina Hoummi NO
SW Simon White NO
LC Lee Carver NO
NC Nicola Carmignani YES
IA Ilya Agapov NO
JK Joachim Keil NO
TH Thorsten Hellert NO
BV Bianca Veglia NO
LM Lukas Malina NO
EM Elaf Musa NO

Zhe Zhang NO
Ryan Russel NO

For diag meetings:
HS Holger Schlarb  NO
GK Gero Kube   NO
SJ Szymon Jablonski  NO
SP Sven Pfeiffer  NO
SM Sajjad Mirza  NO
KS Kees Scheidt NO
BR Benoit Roche  NO
EB Elena Buratin NO
FE Friederike Ewald NO

Meeting for Beam dynamics

no updates on cross-talks

BV run badger with simplex with 2 variables
some good sign of improvement for injection efficiency.

LM which commits is EBS using?

SL --> call a meeting with Ryan, Bianca, Lina, Zhe, etc.. for latest badger

SL ok for after EURIZON. may need som MoU for ALS as well.


TH how did ICALEPCS go?
LM ok. well received, people liked it. ML giving reasonable results. pragmatic results somehow lacking. people liked that it worked!

LH will renumber figures,
SL format document
SL freeze in suggestion mode
SL internal cross review

21 December 2023 : submit to M.Kirsch.

SL will interface analytic functions in pySC LOCO branch




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    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      review of deliverable contents 1h