Visa workshop

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Jean-Francois Perrin (ESRF), Majid Ounsy (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
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      MoU of the collaboration status

      Speaker: Dr Majid Ounsy (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
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      VISA deployment Demo.

      Michael is presenting the use of VISA on an Kubernetes infrastructure and interoperability with public cloud.

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      New Features (ILL)

      The ILL will present the new features that have been made available in the latest releases and some insights on future development.

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      News from ESRF

      ESRF will present the status of VISA deployment at the ESRF, the challenges and the feedback from the beamlines.

    • 10:30 AM
      Coffe Break
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      Open Discussion

      Exchange with other institutes:
      - APS: Argonne Natioanal Lab
      - LNLS: Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron
      - ISIS: STFC

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      VISA MoU Partners Closed Session