The Ada Lovelace Centre (ALC) was setup to maximise the utilization and impact of data from the STFC large facilities, Diamond Light Source, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source and the Central Laser Facility.
Our activities cover data management, cloud-based services, materials modelling, computational biology, imaging, and the application of maths and AI to these areas and to science and operational challenges across the facilities.
There are exciting efforts and initiatives within STFC and globally to realise the impact of AI for facilities, accelerate the pace of adoption and develop ambitious wider programmes, such as materials discovery. The high demand for AI solutions, the rapid pace of change and the transition to incorporating AI at the heart of how the facilities and their users work, introduces challenges in both directing resources and restructuring infrastructure and policies for AI.
This presentation will provide an overview of our AI and ML activities across the Neutron and X-ray facilities, perspectives on wider efforts, the challenges encountered, and future directions in this rapidly evolving field.