Latest news
There is a new satellite meeting on "Open Databases for crystallography and other techniques" scheduled on Monday 23 September pm. Please register if you are interested and/or want to propose a talk:
NOBUGS REMOTE participation is still available - register by 15 September!
To accommodate as many interested participants as possible, we are pleased to offer the option to connect remotely. The remote access will allow you to follow all sessions, ensuring you don't miss out on any talks of the conference.
You can register to follow the event remotely via the following link:
New Opportunities for Better User Group Software (NOBUGS)
The 14th NOBUGS Conference is co-organised with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) & the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble - France from 23rd to 26th September 2024.
After 28 years the NOBUGS conference is finally coming back to where it started - the European Photon and Neutron Campus, home to the ESRF and ILL in Grenoble! The goal of the NOBUGS (New Opportunities for Better User Group Software) Conference Series is to foster collaboration and exchange between scientists and IT professionals working on software for X-ray, neutron and muon sources from around the world. Better software for data acquisition and data analysis will increase productivity of facility users and thus maximize the scientific output.
A number of satellite meetings will be organised before and after the conference on specialised topics. Refer to the page on Satellite Meetings for the list of proposed meetings.
Abstract submissions opens: 19th February 2024Registration opened: 1 May 2024Abstract submission closed: 13 May 2024Abstracts reviewing completed: 14 June 2024Finalised Programme: 21 June 2024On site registration closed: 5 August 2024- Remote registration closes: 15 September 2024
Programme finalised
The NOBUGS2024 programme is now available online!
Thanks to the reviewers for reviewing the abstracts! The large number of abstracts means NOBUGS2024 will have an excellent program - thanks to all the authors who submitted abstracts!
A number of abstracts are on the waiting list to become talks therefore in case you have a talk but cannot attend in person please let the organisers know so they can schedule another talk.
NOBUGS2024 in person participation is SOLD OUT !
Thank you for your interest in attending NOBUGS 2024. We are thrilled by the overwhelming response and enthusiasm for this event. However, we regret to inform you that we have reached the maximum number of participants for in-person attendance.
We understand that this news may be disappointing, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
It is still possible to register for satellite meetings - in-person or online.
Conference Topics
The conference will cover the following topics for beamlines and scientific experiments:
- Advanced data acquisition
- AI/ML applications
- Beamline control systems
- Data Analysis
- Data Reduction
- Data Visualisation
- Experiments automation
- FAIR data management
- Metadata + Data Formats
- Open source collaborations
- Other relevant topics
- Remote user interfaces
- Research Software Engineering
- Workflow engines
Conference Organization
NOBUGS 2024 will be held as a hybrid conference with participants in-person (on site) at the ESRF and possibility to follow the presentations remotely on Zoom.
Organizing Committee
NOBUGS 2024 is advised by the NOBUGS International Advisory Committee. This conference is part of the NOBUGS series of conferences. For more information about NOBUGS and past conferences of the same kind see the NOBUGS site
Local organizers
- Andy Götz (ESRF) - Conference Chair
- Paolo Mutti (ILL) - Conference Chair
- Jens Meyer (ESRF) - Program Chair
- Kimberley Robert (ESRF) - Chief Organiser
- Sarah Kelleher (ILL) - Chief Organiser