The objective of the Accelerator Toolbox workshop is to bring together international scientists to exchange ideas and discuss best practices about use of the accelerator toolbox code (matlab or python) for beam dynamics in charged particles accelerators.
The workshop programme will consist of plenary talks and poster presentations.
The agenda will include (but is not limited to) presentations of:
- recent upgrades of the software
- experience of use for simulations: commissioning, DA, Injection efficiency and lifetime, impact of ID gaps on optics, losses & collimation, injection, optics design, optics matching, etc...
- experience of use of AT in control room: MML, digital twins, etc..
- use of AT for collective effects studies
- discussion on code status, maintenance and priority for future developments
Remote attendance at the workshop will be possible.
The workshop has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement #871072. EURIZON Task 4.1 EU project.