Data formats: Data Formats
- Linus Pithan (DESY)
In this presentation, we review several approaches to crashproofing the HDF5 library. We describe an implementation based on a Write-Ahead Log (WAL) for metadata within the HDF5 library. In the event of a crash during the lifetime of an application using HDF5, this WAL can be used by the library or an external tool to restore the metadata within an HDF5 file to a self-consistent state,...
HDF5 (with NeXus) is becoming the standard in many X-ray facilities. HDF5 viewers are needed to allow users to browse and inspect the hierarchical structure of HDF5 files, as well as visualize the datasets inside as basic plots (1D, 2D). Having such a viewer on the web is especially interesting since it allows users to browse files remotely without having to...