Sep 23 – 27, 2024
ESRF Auditorium
Europe/Paris timezone

Mantid Imaging – A Graphical Interface for Neutron Imaging and Tomography

Sep 24, 2024, 6:15 PM
Hybrid event (ESRF Auditorium)

Hybrid event

ESRF Auditorium

EPN Campus ESRF - ILL 71 Av. des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble
Poster Data Reduction Posters


Jack Allen (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source)


Mantid Imaging is a user friendly, interactive, open source and free to download GUI application for Linux and Windows. Mantid Imaging is used by the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Instrument: IMAT, scientists and visiting users for data reduction, reconstruction, and live viewing of 2D and 3D data. The software application is designed to be intuitive such that users of varying technical ability can work with neutron imaging data. While early development of Mantid Imaging has focused on white beam imaging and tomography. To enable energy resolved imaging for Bragg-edge and resonance profile studies, Mantid Imaging has gained ToF  (Time of Flight) data loading, a spectrum viewer, and integration with other analysis packages.

Imaging datasets are recorded as 2D radiograms/projections with additional dimensions for angle of rotation and ToF. With the provision of pre- and post-processing operations, Mantid Imaging can use a variety of processes to remove artifacts, improving the quality of data before choosing from a selection of reconstruction techniques. Mantid Imaging includes several GPU accelerated reconstruction algorithms including Filtered Back Projection as well as advanced iterative methods with a choice of regularisation methods.

We report on recent enhancements in Mantid Imaging for energy resolved imaging and improved reconstruction. We present our roadmap for future development to enable new scientific workflows on current and future instruments.

Abstract publication I agree that the abstract will be published on the web site

Primary authors

Jack Allen (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Sam Tygier (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source)


Ashley Meigh (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Daniel Nixon (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Dimitar Tasev (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Dolica Akello-Egwel (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Martyn Gigg (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Michael Sullivan (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Rachel Baust (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Samuel Jones (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Samuel Stock (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) Will Taylor (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source)

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