Sep 23 – 27, 2024
ESRF Auditorium
Europe/Paris timezone

ROCK-IT: Remote, operando controlled, knowledge-driven, IT-based catalysis research at large-scale facilities

Sep 24, 2024, 6:15 PM
Hybrid event (ESRF Auditorium)

Hybrid event

ESRF Auditorium

EPN Campus ESRF - ILL 71 Av. des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble
Poster Remote user interfaces Posters


Devin Burke (DESY) Heike Görzig (HZB)


Insights into "catalysts at work" are of high interest to academic and industrial users, prompting the ROCK-IT project partners DESY, HZB, HZDR, and KIT to enhance capabilities for in situ and operando experiments. ROCK-IT aims to meet the need for a holistic workflow through common remote access protocols, FAIR-data management standards, automation, robotics, experiment and beamline control software including AI aspects, and real-time evaluation. The results of the project will allow for more effective catalyst development and an increased attractiveness for non-expert users as well as users from the industry and will be easily transferable to other scientific areas. Wherever possible, Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) will be used, and compatibility and integrability with the Helmholtz Federated IT Services will be ensured.

Abstract publication I agree that the abstract will be published on the web site

Primary authors

Alexander Schökel (DESY) André Rothkirch (DESY) Britta Höpfner (HZB) Christina Widmann (KIT) Devin Burke (DESY) Hector Perez Ponce (HZB) Heike Görzig (HZB) Linus Pithan (DESY) Mehdi Kazemi (DESY) Olaf Schwarzkopf (HZB) Rolf Krahl (HZB) Sandra Hamann (HZDR) Shrouk Ehab (DESY) Sonal R. Patel (HZB) Thomas Gruber (HZDR) William Smith (HZB) Zeynep Isik Dursun (DESY)

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