Sep 23 – 27, 2024
ESRF Auditorium
Europe/Paris timezone

ALBA: Towards FAIR data management principles

Sep 26, 2024, 11:40 AM
Hybrid event (ESRF Auditorium)

Hybrid event

ESRF Auditorium

EPN Campus ESRF - ILL 71 Av. des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble
Talk FAIR data management FAIR data management


Oriol Vallcorba (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS))


ALBA Synchrotron [1] is actively implementing FAIR data management principles [2] across all operational beamlines. Data is cataloged in ICAT, [3] preferably using the NeXus data format [4], alongside metadata sourced from various information systems.

To ensure all metadata is accessible for data interpretation and reuse, gathering beamline and experimental conditions during data collection is essential. Most ALBA beamlines utilize Sardana [5] as the data acquisition framework, built atop a TANGO Control System [6].

To standardize the process as much as possible without disrupting scientists' habits and needs, an additional layer of processing is considered between the control system and ICAT ingestion. This involves publishing necessary information to a Redis [7] database, enabling consumers to retrieve it for relevant operations. The published information and operations vary depending on the beamline and technique and two general scenarios are considered:

  1. For beamlines generating NeXus files, most metadata is encapsulated within these files, and only the file location details are published to Redis. A NeXus recorder, configurable for different Application Definitions, has been developed for beamlines that use Sardana.

  2. In cases where NeXus files are not generated (e.g., some proprietary software), the folder containing collected files is published to Redis, along with additional processing information if needed. The intermediate layer is responsible for NeXus file generation tailored to each technique before ICAT publication.

Publication to Redis can be achieved directly from Sardana macros or via a Tango Device Server. Using Redis as the message broker aligns with Sardana's roadmap, which considers publishing scans data to Redis to decouple acquisition from storage. ICAT pubication will also benefit of this feature when available.

[1] Alba Synchrotron,

[2] Wilkinson, M., et al. (2016). The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018.

[3] Collaboration, T. I. C. A. T. (2014). The ICAT Project. The ICAT Collaboration.

[4] Konnecke, M., et al. (2015). The NeXus data format. J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 301-305.

[5] Sardana,

[6] Tango Control System,

[7] Redis,

Abstract publication I agree that the abstract will be published on the web site

Primary authors

Emilio Centeno (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Fernan Saiz (ALBA Synchrotron) Fulvio Becheri (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Gemma Rosas (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Marc Armenter (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Nicolas Soler (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Oriol Vallcorba (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Rodrigo Cabezas (ALBA Synchrotron (CELLS)) Zbigniew Reszela (ALBA Synchrotron)

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