Group meeting



    • 1
      kickers at low chroma
      Speaker: Benoit Roche (ESRF)
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      Nature paper for N.Brookes

      S.White will reply to N.Brookes

    • 3
      Blow-up simulations
      Speaker: Nicola Carmignani
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      report from simone (POSTPONED)

      GSI EURIZON meeting: conversion of SC to pyAT
      Wiggler W150 kick maps from Gael
      Paper Status
      RDT thick corrections implemented in python
      Eurizon deliverable in progress
      Badger tests in simulator
      Diag. questions: X-BPMs + Pinhole
      MDT PETRAIII 22March, 26th April
      AT workshop financed by Eurizon in June or Sep 2023?
      what about Nature tables?

      Speaker: Simone Liuzzo (ESRF)
    • 5
      start of a PhD topics list (POSTPONED)

      Halo studies and mitigation (master student follow up)

      Booster and injector chain design

      Transparency conditions for the EBS injection cell

      Machine learning algorithms to spot failures and optimize lifetime and injection efficiency

      linear and chromatic RDT analytic formulas and measurements to characterize and improve the EBS lattice model

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      High Single Bunch Current MDT - results (POSTPONED)
      Speaker: Lee Carver (ESRF)
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      Harmonic Cavity Simulations - Update (POSTPONED)
      Speaker: Lee Carver (ESRF)