Jun 1 – 3, 2022
Remote event
Europe/Paris timezone

CERN - Robotics in Future HEP particle detectors

Jun 3, 2022, 10:00 AM
Remote event

Remote event


Corrado Gargiulo (CERN) Lorenzo Teofili (CERN)


The search for higher luminosities in the next generation of particle accelerators pushes for more intense and more energetic beams.

As a result, high levels of radiation are expected in the detector environment.

In this context, there is an increasing interest in developing robotics and automatic systems that could maintain, inspect and operate on future particle detectors, minimizing personnel exposure to radiation.

This talk shows the challenges to tackle in designing robotics and automation that will have to work in the particle detectors' harsh environment, with an uncommon background magnetic field, and, for some applications, cryogenic temperatures.
Furthermore, the presentation highlights also the challenges in designing detector interfaces for smooth interactions between robotic and automatic systems and the detectors themselves.

Finally, the presentation discusses some design solutions that have been elaborated in the context of the R&D activity in the CERN Experimental Physics (EP) department.

Presentation materials