Sep 22 – 24, 2025
Europe/Paris timezone

Dear Visitor,

We are pleased to announce a workshop on “Multiprobe imaging for material science” at the European Synchrotron research facility, Grenoble, sponsored by the ReMade@ARI EU project (

In this workshop, we aim to bring together experts from various imaging modalities, such as X-rays, electrons and neutrons, and to present their applicability in material science (Please see the full aims and scope).

The workshop consists of two days and includes a series of presentations, a poster session, a visit to the imaging beamlines of ESRF, and it will end with a gala dinner in the vibrant city of Grenoble.

This workshop presents an opportunity for the participants to discuss with the beamline and instrument scientist about their projects and potentially use Remade or ESRF proposal channel to carry out their research.

Should our workshop spark your curiosity, then wait no longer. The organization committee members are very excited to welcome you to this workshop and have a fruitful scientific discussion. Registration will open at the end of March.

Jaianth Vijayakumar (ESRF), 
Zhenggang Zhang (ESRF),
Miguel Sequeira (HZDR),
Yan Lu (FZ Jülich GmbH),
Masoud Dialameh (IMEC),
Gary Admans (ESRF)
Anne-Françoise Maydew (ESRF)
Mylène Le Caer (ESRF)
