A few words to introduce the workshop and launch the session of the day.
The status of the GUI developments at the ESRF and beyond.
ALBA, a 3rd Generation Synchroton located near Barcelona in Spain, is in operation since 2012. ALBA controls system is based on Tango and we developed Taurus library to build our GUIs for both accelerators and beamlines. Taurus evolved into a community project, is a popular choice for developing GUIs within Tango community, and we continued its enhancement and maintenance during the last 10...
We present GUIs mainly used by ALBA accelerator subsystem experts. These applications, fully developed by ALBA controls engineers using Taurus, hide the complexity of the control system behind a compact view with hundreds of variables.
We present GUIs used by ALBA beamline scientists and users. Vast majority of these GUIs are developed by ALBA controls engineers using Taurus, and fullfil the need of a very specific experimental techniques. Beamline operation also requires simple and quick to prepare GUI solutions for less complex activities where Taurus tools prove correct.
We present GUIs used for operation of ALBA accelerators. These applications were fully developed by ALBA operators following different approaches in which Taurus library played a crucial role.
Company profile:
o S2Innovation delivers control systems integration and software development services
for big science laboratories and innovative industries. We mostly work with Tango
ecosystem but also take up another challenges. • Implemented GUI (Unicos):
o The GUI was implemented in Siemens WinCC OA (v3.19, Qt based) according to ISA 101 standards. Application is widely used in CERN...
This talk addresses some performances issues of the current version of TAURUS and present high level design of some of the solutions.
Taurus started as ALBA internal project and evolved into a community of users and developers. However in the last few years we observed a decrease of involvement of other institutes and after the leave of the main developer and maintainer from ALBA the community activity was reduced even more. ALBA is now training newcomers to take over the development and maintenance of Taurus and would like...