EOSC - un atout pour la recherche / an asset for science

Andy Gotz (ESRF), Brigitte Gagey (Synchrotron SOLEIL), Etienne Auge (Université Paris-Saclay), Jean-Francois Perrin (ESRF), Majid Ounsy (Synchrotron SOLEIL), Volker Beckmann (MESRI / DGRI / SSRI / A7)


La Commission Européenne a lancé l'initiative  European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) en 2015 dans le but de fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données et services. Depuis 2019 un grand nombre de projets œuvrent pour offrir à leur communauté scientifique des outils et plateformes pour adopter les bonnes pratiques de la Science Ouverte. PaNOSC et ExPaNDS sont les deux projets EOSC de la communauté Photons et Neutrons. Ce workshop, organisé par le MESRI, l'ESRF, SOLEIL, et l'ILL a pour but de montrer ou nous en sommes dans la réalisation de l'EOSC pour la communauté des Photons et Neutrons. Le workshop est destiné aux scientifiques et futurs utilisateurs de l'EOSC. Les intervenants sont principalement des scientifiques qui donneront leur vision de l'EOSC et ses atouts pour la science.

The European Commission launched the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative in 2015 with the aim of providing European researchers with transparent access to data and services. Since 2019 a large number of projects are working to provide their scientific community with tools and platforms to adopt Open Science best practices. PaNOSC and ExPaNDS are the two EOSC projects of the Photons and Neutrons community. This workshop, organized by MESRI, ESRF, SOLEIL, and ILL aims to show where we are in the realization of the EOSC for the Photon and Neutron community. The workshop is intended for scientists and future users of the EOSC. The speakers are mainly scientists who will give their vision of the EOSC and its assets for science.

Note: this event has been organised together with the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation for the French scientific community, therefore a majority of talks was in French. Where the title of a talk is in English the presentation was also in English.