Eurizon Task 4.1 general update



31st March 2023: ammendment approved

M4.1.1 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Identify common beam physics interests, define necessary software developments
M4.1.2 (M30 July 2022, DESY) Definition of the work organisation for beam dynamics studies
M4.1.3 (M32 September 2022, ESRF) Define work organisation and contributors to the tasks identified in M4.1.1
M4.1.4 (M36 Jan 2023, DESY) Beam Diagnostics: Definition of the work organization for beam diagnostics studies

D4.1.1 (M38 March 2023, ESRF) Preliminary technical report with proof of principle validation on simplified test cases

To do:

M4.1.5 (M42 Jul 2023, ESRF) Beam Diagnostics: Selection of the shaker device

D4.1.2 (M48, January 2024, DESY) Final technical report with detailed beam dynamics studies and documentation for EBS and/or PETRA IV

D4.1.3 (M48, Januray 2024 DESY) Technical report on beam diagnostics studies with detailed documentation.


13th april 2023

Eurizon Task 4.1


SL Simone Liuzzo  YES
LH Lina Hoummi YES
SW Simon White YES
LC Lee Carver NO (but prepared slides)
NC Nicola Carmignani YES
IA Ilya Agapov NO
JK Joachim Keil YES
TH Thorsten Hellert NO
BV Bianca Veglia NO
LM Lukas Malina NO (but meeting Friday)
EM Elaf Musa YES

For diag meetings:
HS Holger Schlarb  NO
GK Gero Kube   NO
SJ Szymon Jablonski  NO
SP Sven Pfeiffer   NO
SM Sajjad Mirza  NO
KS Kees Scheidt NO
BR Benoit Roche  NO
EB Elena Buratin NO
FE Friederike Ewald NO

Some more data for ESRF for DL multipoles
SW asks about size of sextupole. SL reply that he could not get the info from the picutre. data to arrive.

JK Badger injection efficiency studies postponed at PETRAIII
SL Badger algorithm comparison studies postponed at EBS

No update on TbT studies.
JK Still suffering from bad data from libera BPMS, shifted ADC data. some problems to resolve phase advance. Seems to come from the libera itself.
NC Similar problem at ESRF as well. Synchronization helped, but still some BPMs where shifted. Those BPMs where excluded. Not a common issue, just for proper phase advances. For detuning with amplitude for example this error is not a problem. It is an issue for phase advance reconstruction.

SW is there a way to detect which ones are not well synchronized?
NC no precise criteria found.
SW this seems a serious problem

LC presentation on training. SW comments: a lto of material.

open question:
2 parallel sessions:
1 intermidiate + 1 advanced
1 python (advanced) + 1 matlab (only intermediate, no collecive effects)

jupyter notebook ok, but work will be done in scrpits

teacher (LC/TH) could also provide a .py script (for easier run)


AT workshop, 48 registered people, out of which 12 remote. 8 people with proposed talk, not registered. 35 places reserved for restaurant, will be too few.

SL will send a new poll for the next meeting end of august, beginning of september


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